
hangyang hangyang
a world-class supplier of air separation equipment and cryogenic petrochemical equipment
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complete set of asu
air separation unit
hangyang has a comprehensive series of asu, which are widely used in metallurgy, petrochemical, coal chemical, fertilizer, non-ferrous smelting, aerospace and other fields. it has provided more than 4,000 complete sets of air separation equipment for various industries. the rate of production has remained above 50%, and the output and sales have ranked first in the world. among them, the 100,000-level air separation equipment developed by the company has been jointly appraised by china machinery industry federation and china general machinery industry association, and its overall technology has reached the international leading level.
  • 4000

    supply of complete sets of asu
  • 50%

    supply of complete sets of asu
  • no.1

    supply of complete sets of asu
iran 120,000 air separation
zhejiang petrochemical phase i 4x83,000 air separation
zhejiang petrochemical phase ii 4×105,000 air separation
shenhua ningxia coal 6x100,000 air separation
jiangxi hangyang 2x80,000 air separation
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